IAU Symp. 321 "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Outskirts" Registration

"Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Outskirts"
14 - 18 March 2016
Second Announcement
Registration is now OPEN
Registration Deadline: 2015Dec18

This IAU symposium will review both the current status of the field and preparations for optimal exploitation of next-generation facilities to provide a reference point for the study of the outer regions of galaxies.  The latest results on the stellar, dust and gas content of the outskirts of galaxies, from those in the Local Group to high redshift, will be discussed. A broad approach is needed to improve our knowledge on the fueling and growth of these difficult-to-observe regions, and to establish their role in galaxy evolution and as mediators in the interactions between galaxies and the intergalactic medium.

Over the five day symposium, participants will enjoy the enriching atmosphere of Toledo, Spain, the medieval “City of the Three Cultures”, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.

Registration is now open at:
If you have expressed interest in attending by preregistering, you must still register to attend the meeting or to apply for a talk or poster.

Important Dates:
2015Dec01: Requests for financial support (via registration)
2015Dec18: Registration deadline
2016Jan:     Oral contribution decisions communicated
2016Feb16: Registration payment deadline (300EUR, proceedings and symposium dinner included)

Invited Speakers (Confirmed):
Roberto Abraham         Lia Athanassoula          Fabio Bresolin
Marcella Carollo           Hsiao-Wen Chen           Neil Crighton
Romeel Davé               Francesca Figueras       Duncan Forbes
Barry Madore               C. Mendes de Oliveira   Reynier Peletier
P. Sánchez-Blázquez   Joop Schaye                  Linda Tacconi
Patricia Tissera            Emily Wisnioski             I
van Minchev

We look forward to seeing you in Toledo!

Armando Gil de Paz (UCM, Spain) – chair
Janice Lee (STScI, USA) – co-chair
Lisa Kewley (Australian National University, Australia) – co-chair
Jin Koda (Stonybrook, USA / NAOJ, Japan) – co-chair
Cláudia Mendes de Oliveira (U. Sao Paulo, Brazil) – co-chair
Roberto Abraham (University of Toronto, Canada)
Daniela Calzetti (University of Massachusetts, USA)
Hsiao-Wen Chen (University of Chicago, USA)
Masashi Chiba (Tohoku University, Japan)
Romeel Davé (U. of Western Cape, South Africa)
Jennifer Donovan Meyer (NRAO, USA)
Rodrigo Ibata (Observatoire de Strasbourg, France)
Johan Knapen (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain)
Kana Morokuma-Matsui (NAOJ, Japan)
R. Michael Rich (UCLA, USA)
Emma Ryan-Weber (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez (U. Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
Linda Watson (ESO, Chile)

Ainhoa Sánchez Penim (U. Complutense, Spain) – chair
Armando Gil de Paz (U. Complutense, Spain) – co-chair
África Castillo Morales (U. Complutense, Spain)
Jesús Gallego (U. Complutense, Spain)
Alejandra Martín (IAC, Spain)
Pablo G. Pérez-González (U. Complutense, Spain)
Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez (U. Autónoma, Spain)


21 October – 18 December 2015

