21 October 2013

Candidate Statements for 2014 AAS Election

George Benedict

Balloting for the next election of AAS officers and councilors will open in mid-December 2013 and close at the end of January 2014. All AAS members eligible to vote in the election will be notified once the ballot is available. Every vote is important, and those elected will be empowered to decide the direction and goals of our Society.

We are grateful to the following AAS members who have agreed to stand for election. Click on a name to read the candidate's statement. Please support the candidates' dedication, and help define the future of your Society, by voting.

Candidates for the Nominating Committee were proposed by the membership at our annual business meeting in Indianapolis in June:

Nominating Committee (term: 3 years, positions open: 1)
Rica Sirbaugh French
Jacob Noel-Storr
Caroline Simpson
Nicole van der Bliek

The Nominating Committee prepares slates of candidates for officers and councilors and helps prepare slates of candidates to serve on the Publications Board and Astronomy Education Board, as specified in the Constitution & Bylaws.

Here is the current Nominating Committee's proposed slate of candidates for officers and councilors:

Vice-President (term: 3 years; positions open: 1)
Jack Burns
Robert Hanisch

The vice-presidents, as representatives of the Council, are responsible for the overall scientific content of the Society's major meetings. They select invited speakers, review proposals for special sessions, and support and advise the Executive Officer in maintaining the scientific quality of the program. The two senior VPs serve on the Executive Committee.

Treasurer (term: 3 years; positions open: 1)
Nancy D. Morrison

The Treasurer is responsible for the financial affairs of the Society and keeps full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in the Society's books. He or she deposits or invests all monies or other valuable effects in the name of the Society in such depositories or investments as are selected by the Council. The Treasurer prepares an annual report to the Council on the financial condition of the Society and secures regular audits of the Society's financial operations.

Councilor (term: 3 years; positions open: 3)
Grace Deming
Susana Deustua
Kelly Holley-Bockelmann
Buell T. Jannuzi
Karel Schrijver
Stephen C. Unwin
Liese van Zee

As members of the governing board of the AAS, councilors have the legal responsibility to manage, direct, and control the affairs and property of the Society. Within the limits of the Bylaws, the Council determines the policies of the Society and changes to them, and it has discretion in the disbursement of the Society's funds.

USNC-IAU (term: 3 years; positions open: 1)
David R. Soderblom
Lee Anne Willson

The U.S. National Committee for the International Astronomical Union (USNC-IAU) represents the interests of the U.S. astronomical community and safeguards the intellectual vigor of the Union.

Please note: Members eligible to vote will be notified when the electronic ballot is posted on members.aas.org. Members for whom we do not have email addresses will receive a paper ballot by first class mail. You may verify your email address on our members-only site and if necessary send corrections to [email protected].

Any other member wishing to use a paper ballot may request one by phone (202) 328-2010 ext. 115, fax (202) 234-2560 or by email to [email protected]. If possible, include your member number with your request.